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  • Writer's pictureLeah Niblett


At this time of year, we begin to think about all of the blessings we have and all of the people who are less fortunate. Sometimes it can be hard to notice how much we have, especially when it comes to everyday parts of life (bathing, eating, sleeping...). Many people out there don't have access to regular meals, showers, or safe and warm places to sleep. These are simple things we tend to take for granted. And maybe you're thinking, "Yeah, but a lot of people have more than me. I can't afford to eat out every day or buy expensive clothes, etc." Okay. I can relate. But the reality is that we really need very little to live. The even sadder reality is that many people don't even have those basic necessities. So today... Be a friendly face to those standing on a street corner. Go to the homeless shelter and help pass out food. Buy a hat or scarf to donate to those who don't have the blessing of a warm place to go.

From now until Thanksgiving, use coupon code "GIVEBACK2016" at my Etsy shop for $5 off your purchase. And if you can't spend money at this point in time, please consider giving your time to help those who are less fortunate. Spread God's love and encourage those in hard times.

Okay. So now that we've covered the usual holiday cliche, I want to tackle another piece of being thankful.

As important as it is to spread love and help the homeless, it is equally important to ensure that those you live with and see everyday are taken care of. Many of us still have grandparents living that are growing old and have less control over their minds and bodies. Let's remember that they are precious and are still people with feelings. They are part of our family and we have a responsibility to take care of them.

On a different note, we all have that one sibling or parent or other family member who we have a tendency to fight with during the holidays. Yes, this comes with proximity and constant time with those who you don't normally spend so much time with. But this cannot be used as a cop-out. This year, let's try our best to show each other love and express our differences gently. If we cannot agree on something, we agree to disagree. If we know it will stir things up and pull in hatred, we don't bring it up.

This season, focus on love, joy, peace, and the fact that we have each other. Because being thankful doesn't only apply to things we have, but to those we have in our lives. We are lucky to know that we can always count on each other in times of joy and in times of stress. Be thankful. Talk to those you are grateful for. Let them know how much they mean to you. Be a light in their world and help bring joy to their life during this busy season.

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